Holistic Detox

Did you know there is a large amount of research that proves there is a significant connection between your gut and your brain? The gut-brain connection presumption is that a good portion of your brain chemistry is made in your gut. 

Say WHAT? You read that right. 

With that being said, I've learned that it is very important to take care of your gut. How does one do that you may ask? By detoxing or "cleansing" your body from the inside with a combination of diet, fasting, and supplements.  The supplements are optional, but there is one that I recommend. 

The supplement I recommend is a gut cleansing, detoxification product. See, many people do not eliminate as they should or need to, This allows toxins to build up in your system. Toxins are chemicals in your body that slow your body's natural function down. This hinders the cellular function in your body, affecting your overall health. 

The environment is full of toxins, and we face these toxins everywhere we go. In the past 100 years, we've made over 100,000 NEW CHEMICALS THAT NEVER EXISTED BEFORE. Our bodies need to figure out how to deal with all of them . 

The good news is there is something we can do to help our bodies out. That is where body detoxing comes into play. Detoxing your body helps eliminate potentially harmful chemicals from your body while boosting nutrients and overall health. 

I happen to be part of this amazing Facebook group that not only teaches people more about body detox, but does 7 day detox challenges as well. Take action and help your body protect your gut-brain connection! 

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