Great to Meet You! I'm Tressa Lynn. 

Tressa Lynn

Why Hello There!

Let me tell you a little about myself! My name is Tressa Lynn. I'm the mother of two teenagers and one preteen. I'm the wife of the most patient man I have ever met. I'm a lover of books, English Mastiffs, old houses, clean living, and most importantly my family. I'm very family oriented. I'm an overcomer and I have overcome many obstacles throughout my life. 

The struggle is REAL! Moms, you know what I'm talking about!

Whoever said raising toddlers was hard has not tried to raise a teenager yet! One of my teens started having problems in school. Failing classes, getting into trouble, struggling through daily emotions, the list goes on. This lead to problems with my work life. Not being able to work as much, having to significantly cut my hours at work back so that I could be home more. This lead to financial struggles and several therapy sessions for both my "troubles teen" and myself. We learned a lot. I ended up having to pull my son out of public school and start homeschooling, which meant I needed to be home even more to ensure he is getting a proper education. I had to find a way to supplement my income. It also needed to be something I could be passionate about and truly care about because I really enjoy helping and serving others. 

Looking Forward to More Discovery 

You always find out how strong you really are when going through a storm. We're finally starting to see the storm settle and I couldn't be more proud of my little family. Nor could I possibly be more excited to share my journey with you.  There is nothing like the feeling of being able to help someone else through their storm, of being able to overcome the obstacles you face while helping others overcome their own obstacles. I look forward to what the future holds. Be sure to follow my post! Where I share more stories and information about overcoming obstacles, health, wellness, clean living, and so much more!

Family Photo